How to make your “Information Management System” (ERP) an asset instead of a liability

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How to make your “Information Management System” (ERP) an asset instead of a liability

Experience a new generation of intelligent development solutions that are different from others with a budget that is absolutely affordable.

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As a small and medium-sized business owner, do these things bother you?

With the gradual increase in business volume, the amount of data has also increased, and the use of Excel is troublesome.

Started to see more and more human errors.

Also, because Excel is in the form of a file, there will be multiple versions of the same document, and they will be scattered in multiple places, resulting in often taking the wrong version and making mistakes

Gradually, as the process increases, the number of Excel transfers between departmental processes also increases, and the number of errors also increases exponentially.

And frequent human errors lead to more time spent on post-mortem checking and debugging

These mistakes are even discovered by customers. In this case, the company’s goodwill will also be lost.

Data cannot be shared in real time among various departments and colleagues in the enterprise, leading to wrong decision-making and judgment

Immediate and correct statistical results cannot be obtained quickly, and lengthy manual calculations must be performed

For example: because the inventory is not accurate and real-time, the wrong order quantity is promised to the customer

The Excel model cannot operate effectively in such a multi-version and scattered situation, and when the amount of data continues to grow

The Excel model cannot operate effectively in such a multi-version and scattered situation, and when the amount of data continues to grow

The Excel model cannot operate effectively in such a multi-version and scattered situation, and when the amount of data continues to grow

The Excel model cannot operate effectively in such a multi-version and scattered situation, and when the amount of data continues to grow

But how to get a suitable information management system?

Today’s information management system is no longer just a tool, but an integral part of corporate assets.

In order to make full use of the information management system, it is necessary to adopt a new generation of “smart development” to improve the efficiency and value of system development

This method can greatly shorten the development cycle, and can adjust and optimize the system in a timely manner according to changing business needs, so as to meet the maximum functional requirements

So, if you want to upgrade to a database application system, what are the possible options?

If you want to upgrade to a database application system, there are two routes…

Use the existing system (developed package public version system)

This method involves selecting an existing well-developed and mature database application system.

According to your business needs, make conditional settings within the open range considered by the design.

These systems typically have basic functions such as: customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), industry-specific solutions, etc.

Self-developed design (customized solutions)

This approach involves designing and developing from scratch a fully customized database application system based on your specific needs.

Such a solution can be designed according to your business process, data structure and functional requirements, ensuring that the system fully meets your requirements.

Requires professional system analysis, design, and development capabilities, as well as time and resource input.

So it is divided into “buy off-the-shelf” and “self-developed”. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these two models?

Use the existing system (developed package public version system)

Rapid implementation

The packaged system that has been developed can be quickly deployed, saving time and cost, and can be used in a short time

Universal functions

Your business process may need to be adjusted to adapt to the design of the existing package system, and you cannot make the package system match your needs

The cost of software is relatively economical

The packaged system has been developed because the one-time development cost has already been invested, and the incremental marginal cost (Marginal Cost) of the product in the process of increasing sales is limited, so it can be obtained at a lower price


Limited customization

Although some settings can be customized with an open scope, the existing packaged system may not fully meet the unique needs of your business

Unable to adapt to demand

Your business process may need to be adjusted to adapt to the design of the existing package system, and you cannot make the package system match your needs

Redundant complications

For commercial considerations, most packaged systems will make the functions meet the maximum market demand, resulting in excessive inclusion of all functions, but not all functions meet your needs, which may lead to redundant interfaces and operations complexity.

Self-developed design (customized solutions)


1. Fully customized

Allows you to design the system from scratch according to business needs, ensuring that every detail is in line with your business processes and special needs. You don’t have to compromise existing functions or processes, ensuring the system fits perfectly to the way you operate.

2. Unlimited features

You can add the required functions according to your needs, without being limited by the functions of the existing system. This enables you to build a system with unlimited potential, ready to meet your changing business needs, without being limited by pre-engineered functionality.

3. Business process optimization

With self-developed custom solutions, you can optimize the system to suit your business processes. You can eliminate unnecessary steps, increase efficiency, reduce repetitive tasks, and allow your team to focus more on core business activities

4. Future scalability

You can add the required functions according to your needs, without being limited by the functions of the existing system. Thisenables you to build a system with unlimited potential, ready to meet your changing business needs, without being limited by pre-engineered functionality


1. Time and cost

Self-development requires more time and resources. From requirements analysis, design, development, testing to training, the whole process may require more manpower and capital investment than using existing systems

2. Technical requirements

Developing your own system requires your team to have relevant technical knowledge and development capabilities, or you need to hire corresponding professionals. This includes multiple technical aspects such as front-end and back-end development, database management, security implementation, etc. If you lack the corresponding expertise, you may face development challenges

3. Risk

Self-developed systems may face technical risks, instability, and security issues. If there is not enough professional knowledge and resources to solve these problems, it may lead to system failure, data loss or security breach, which will affect business operations. System needs to be thoroughly tested and secured.

So how should you choose?

In fact, the biggest watershed between these two solutions is to judge the needs of the enterprise itself, how special is it? At first, you may not be sure whether your needs are special? Therefore, the pragmatic approach is to try the existing package system as much as possible

First try to understand the existing package public version system

  • When trying the existing packaged public version system, the minefield that needs special attention is that it must be carefully tested and used. Otherwise, once the packaged public version system is launched, it is found that it does not meet the requirements. The public version system is not like Uniqlo, you can return it if you find it doesn’t fit after you wear it.
  • We often hear in the industry that many customers, after hearing the business introduction of the packaged public version system manufacturer, think that they have a clear understanding of the functions of the packaged public version system, and mistakenly think that it can meet their own needs, so they directly decide to import.
  • After the actual use, it was found that it could not conform to the existing operation process, and finally ended in failure. This is not only the customer’s own oversight, but also the manufacturer’s irresponsibility. Such a process consumes manpower, material resources, and It is very regrettable that we can’t get a system that can really assist the operation of the enterprise despite spending time and money.
  • It is recommended that the suitability of the public version of the system function should reach more than 80% to be regarded as safe.
  • If you successfully find a suitable package public version system, it means that your needs fall within the general range of normal distribution, and you can directly import the package system.
  • If you find that you cannot find a suitable packaged public version system, it means that your needs are not within the normal distribution and require a customized development method. When you realize that your company has such uniqueness, give it a try. Do not feel frustrated, because this is most likely the reason why your business can stand out in the industry.

When the packaged public version system cannot meet the needs, then seek customized development

  • Under what circumstances can a customized system become an “asset” of an enterprise, and under what circumstances will it become a “liability” of an enterprise?
  • The answer to this question is that the system must be able to continuously embrace changes in requirements.
  • Just imagine, if a customized system can continue to embrace changes in demand, then the system will continue to provide functions that do not differ from the actual needs and assist the operation of the enterprise. In this case, the system will continue to serve the enterprise Presenting enough accurate and real-time information to achieve such a situation, the system is an asset of the enterprise and can create value for the enterprise.
  • But on the contrary, if a customized system cannot continue to cooperate with the company’s pace of development in response to changes in the business environment, it will continue to accumulate functional gaps, causing front-line users to find ways to use it themselves. Using other alternatives, such as going back to using Excel, or being forced to use inefficient roundabout ways to cooperate with the system, will cause resource consumption within the enterprise, and the system will become a liability of the enterprise.
  • Therefore, it is an extremely important key factor for a customized information management system to be able to adjust and expand in line with changes in actual functional requirements.

If you want to take the road of customized development, what issues should you pay attention to?

Because it is customized development, the source of the entire demand is the needs of your company, and the following issues need to be overcome

  • Have the company’s own processes and needs been clarified?
  • Can the enterprise express the required functions clearly with the manufacturer
  • What are the scope of modules of the system required by the enterprise?
  • Is the content absorbed and understood by the manufacturer synchronized with what the enterprise expresses?
  • Under what

In the process of trying to clarify and deal with the above problems, the following situations often occur

  • Because customers are usually not professionally trained in this area, it is not easy to express these needs “accurately, specifically, completely, and logically.”
  • Even if the manufacturer has sorted out the analysis documents, because the customer does not have the ability to understand these professional system requirements analysis documents, even if there are errors in the cognition of both parties, it is impossible to be identified by any of these documents. Fang noticed.
  • After the system is actually developed, such a gap can finally be hidden. For customers, they naturally hope to make “corrections and reinforcements”, but for manufacturers, these mean “extra man-hours”, which also means It means an increase in cost, so naturally manufacturers will try their best to persuade customers and accept the status quo as much as possible to avoid the increase in cost, which leads to a stalemate between the two parties.
  • During this process, the customer felt: “This is not the function I wanted at all”, while the manufacturer muttered in his heart: “The customer did not explain the demand clearly and clearly”, and the demand function description was not complete enough. , leading to the underestimation of the price of the manufacturer, but the customer can only find out that the result is not as expected until the moment of completion, but once it reaches this point, everything is already in an irreversible state of “the fire has become the fire.”
  • If it is used barely, the customer will feel that they are just getting a system that is “barely enough” to use.

So what can be done to avoid these obstacles?

We have developed a coaching program that uses the following features to solve the above dilemma:

Take you to know the secrets of the industry that other manufacturers will not tell you

  • Through our professional counseling courses, we will tell you the ultimate meaning of the system architecture, and no longer allow you to communicate with the development team because of the lack of professionalism, and let the manufacturer deliberately mislead and manipulate.
  • There are no theoretical explanations, but vivid examples and metaphors, allowing you to absorb the most important concepts and essence in the shortest time.

Accompanying counseling services to help you clarify your needs

  • The unique functional requirements of the enterprise are the source of the system design
  • Our consultant team will accompany you and assist you through workshop-style tutoring, allowing you to personally analyze existing Excel files and sort out the process and required data structure

Your own needs, you personally participate in the planning, and get your own design blueprint

  • In this process, you will be able to fully grasp the overall requirements of your own system
  • After you ponder over and over again, and please accept our professional counseling advice, you will personally create your own system design architecture as the basis for subsequent system development
  • What are the scope of modules of the system required by the enterprise?
  • And because of the combination of “new generation intelligent development” technology, the design blueprint is no longer as obscure as traditional system analysis documents, but intuitive and easy to understand, and only the design blueprint is in your own If you can understand it, the system developed based on such a design blueprint can really be regarded as under your own control.

Create a tailor-made system according to your design blueprint

  • According to the above-mentioned system design framework, our professional technical development team will construct according to the diagram, and expand the system functions you need step by step.
  • This project started in 2023/03, the first phase will last for 3 years, and the second phase will have a 2-year plan implementation period, as long as you are willing to continue, you will eventually be able to create your dream system
  • Due to detailed planning, such results will no longer have the fear of “requirement cognition error”

Affordable development price, no longer unattainable

  • According to the above-mentioned system design framework, our professional technical development team will construct according to the diagram, and expand the system functions you need step by step.
  • This project started in 2023/03, the first phase will last for 3 years, and the second phase will have a 2-year plan implementation period, as long as you are willing to continue, you will eventually be able to create your dream system
  • Due to detailed planning, such results will no longer have the fear of “requirement cognition error”

The Host Of This Mentoring Program

With more than 20 years of experience in ERP system development, he has invested in dozens of practical development projects, serving companies in large listed companies, state-owned banks, and small and medium-sized enterprises in traditional industries, such as: Yongfeng Yu Group, Acer Computer, Far EasTone Telecom, Silicon Pin Precision, Xingnong Group, BenQ Materials, etc. have also served as industry professional lecturers in the Enterprise Management Department of Soochow University and the Asset Management Department of Chaoyang University of Science and Technology. Teacher, and obtained the original Oracle professional technical certification, and technical lecturers for related seminars.

After tutoring many small, medium and micro enterprises, he found that one of the big obstacles is that the owners of small, medium and micro enterprises are not familiar with the concept of system architecture, which makes them unable to clearly express their needs, and they are constantly used by customers. In the process of interacting with the terminal and the technical side of the development team, this solution was finally refined, which not only allows business owners to fully express their needs, but also quickly develops a system that meets their needs.

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Brother Logic V

Logic V / Vincent, Head of Information Technology, LogicCorner Founder of Logic Cloud Academy


Super 5-star (with money-saving) system development digital transformation coaching program

Plan ladder

In 2023, there are 4 echelons left, that is, September, October, November, and December.

There are only 10 enterprise subsidy quotas for participating in the plan.

Registration starts now, until the quota is full, if you miss it, you will have to wait until next year.

As long as it is a participating enterprise of this plan, it will enjoy 50% of the plan subsidy

Original development cost: 100,000 yuan

50% of the project subsidy: 50,000 yuan

50% of the enterprise’s own expenses: 50,000 yuan

3 Reasons Why You Must Attend

01 – Realize your needs

  • Because you’ve been trained in a mentoring program to learn the true underlying nature of system architecture.
  • When you look back at your Excel data, you will have a new and clear vision.
  • The demand put forward in this way will be more in line with the actual operation.

02 – Steady implementation of import in stages

  • Our consultant team will accompany you and assist you through workshop-style tutoring, allowing you to personally analyze existing Excel files and sImporting the ERP system is a major event involving the entire company. If you import all the modules in a hurry, you must consider the negative impact of the organization under such pressure. These negative factors Including: a sudden increase in workload, resulting in low team morale, a sudden increase in employee turnover, etc. Outline the process and required data structure.
  • Develop and import according to the modules, so that the team can adapt gradually, so that colleagues can feel the benefits of the system in a step-bystep manner under smooth conditions, instead of letting the team feel like a flood. Generally, overwhelming stress and pain.

03 – Flatten the budget, no financial burden

  • Because the budget is fixed at each stage (system functions worth 100,000, only 50,000 of actual out-of-pocket expenditure is required), there is no burden on financial scheduling.
  • In this way, the pace of execution at each stage can be adjusted by yourself.
  • After the functions of one stage are completely imported and run smoothly, the scope of the next stage will be carried out steadily.

There are only 40 places left in 2023, act now, and we will send you a gift worth 10,000 yuan for the card slot: a smart strategic blueprint

If you are interested in this project, please leave your contact information, We will arrange the project host: Brother Logic V to talk to you in person, this online meeting will bring you the following benefits:

1. Understand the overview of your current company’s system requirements, and analyze and summarize the scope of requirements to help you better understand the overall outline of the system you really need, and after the meeting, sort out and send you a ” Smart Strategy Blueprint”, as an important reference for your subsequent digital transformation.

2. “Smart Strategy Blueprint” is our industry-renowned consulting service. Its purpose is to analyze the needs of the enterprise’s ERP system, as well as various strategies for functional planning. The consulting fee for this service is 10,000 yuan / Hours , please sign up as soon as possible to get this great gift!

3. The meeting time is 60 minutes, and we will send you the meeting appointment method through the email you provided.

4. If you have other questions related to the tutoring plan, Brother Logic V will also help you one by one in the online meeting answer!

5. Looking forward to seeing you in the plan and growing together with the participating entrepreneurs!

6. Our official Line account: ID: @pjs9948t or Click this link to join

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